Monday, July 5, 2010

Trip to Germany -- The Meadow

Another way Germany is different from the U.S. is how clean it is. There is virtually no litter, and they have been able to control growth and building styles in a way to insure the beauty of their countryside. They even stack their firewood neatly. Many beautiful little villages are protected from the noise of cars and trucks by tunnels built for the sole purpose of quiet.

In Garmisch, within easy walking distance, is a meadow. This meadow is used by various farmers to graze their milk cows. They cut the grass, dry it, and store it for the Winter. The meadow is also shared by people walking, jogging, riding bikes, and para-gliding. The little buildings out in the meadow are used to store the dried grass, farm equipment, and firewood. The fourth photo show three peaks. The middle one, which appears to be lower than the two outside peaks, is actually the tallest and is the highest mountain in Germany. It is Zugspitze. I pronounced (mispronounced) it near a German couple who turned and looked at me as if I had blasphemed their religion.

Here are some photos and movies.

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