Thursday, January 15, 2009

Arizona Trip part II

The day after Ardell and visited Taliesin West, we went to the Barrett-Jackson Classic Car Auction.  For those of you who have not heard of this annual event, it takes place in Scottsdale, AZ and is the mother of all such auctions.  The very best cars appear there, including old Rolls Royces, Packards, and so.  The very first 1957 Chevy was there as was the first 1957 Thunderbird.  The sellers are prohibited from having a reserve on the cars, so each one sells. There were some serious show cars, all beautiful and historic.  One among many that caught my eye was a 1942 12-cylinder Lincoln.  There were only a few 1942 cars produced due to the outbreak of the war.  Anyway, the whole experience was religious both for Ardell and for me, two car nuts.  Observations:  first, the cars were incredible; second, the prices were very low.  If I had any money, it would have been a good time to buy.  

On the way back from Arizona, Carol and I stopped at LP Racing, dropped off some parts, and looked at the car which Carol calls my "girl friend."  Lang says it should be finished about the end of February, 2009.  Lang had the steering column in, carburator on, brake system almost done, wiring almost done, and most of the parts had arrived.  The car looks great.  

Update on February 23, 2009
Carol and I went to Las Vegas over the weekend to fete Ardell and LaNetta who have now been married fifty (yes 50) years!  All of their children were there along with some grandkids and great-grand kids.  Melanie was there and we had a great time.

On the way home, Carol and I stopped and saw "my girlfriend."  The progress has slowed and I do not believe it will be done by the end of February as was the schedule.  The carburator was being set up, the tail lights are partially installed, and they figured out how to install the ash tray, which I thought would have been impossible due to lack of space in the transmission tunnel.  It looks great!

Update on March 24, 2009
Yesterday my friend, Frank, and I drove to Upland to look at my car and his 1956 Oldsmobile. We were a little disappointed as not much progress had been made.  However, our cars have, according to Lang, risen to the top of his list.  He had a 1400 horse power race car he finished over the weekend.  He promised to have the motor in my car running by the end of March.  He did not say what year.

Update on April 11, 2009
Frank and I drove to Upland again to pick up his 1956 Oldsmobile 98.  It his attempt, like my Corvette, to regain his youth.  He had a car like this in High School.  We had intended on driving the Olds home, but it was not ready.  It is beautiful and will be great for him (and for me when we go someplace in it).  

My Corvette was not finished either although I had not expected it.  Lang has made progress. One area that is driving him nuts is the exhaust manifold.  He ordered one, installed it, and started working on the exhaust system.  He then discovered that this manifold blocked the spark plugs and had to be replaced. So he had to stop working on the exhaust system and reorder.  I complained about how long it is taking to finish this car.  He agreed to have it done by the end of April. While he made the same promise about the end of February and the end of March, this time we shook on it.  Therefore, it is a binding contract and you are my witnesses. Hope to have significant news in early May.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice Corvette!!