I just received my dad's Navy personnel record. It has some surprises, chief among which is the date of his induction, in 1944. I had always thought he joined at the beginning of the war. It appears that his job as a chemist at the Sunshine Mine, which produced lead and other metals, was important enough that he was deferred. Here is a summary.
1. May 3, 1944. Inducted in Boise, Idaho into the U.S. Navy "for Special Assignment." His vision was R 7/20; L 7/20; BV 8/20 corrected to: R 20/20; L 20/20. He was given a family allowance.
2. May 6, 1944. "Failed Eddy Test. Not qualified for RT rating." [The Eddy Test was heavy on trig and was a test to find radar operators. Radar was new and very secret at the time and the operators were called "Radio Technicians" perhaps to hide what they really did.].
3. May 7, 1944. transferred to U.S. Navtrasta, Farragut, Idaho.
4. May 8, 1944. Arrived at Farragut. Applied for life insurance, found qualified as marksman, as a swimmer, as a night lookout trainer, given gas mask instructions, recruit training completed.
[June 6, 1944 was DDay]
5. July 1, 1944. Advanced to S2e.
6. July 25, 1944. Transferred to ServSchCommd (Basic Engineers) Great Lakes, Ill.
7. July 28, 1944. Arrived at Great Lakes. He entered as a "striker." [apparently, this means he had not completed the usual prerequisites to do this, but got in through his college training] He completed a course on mathematics, mechanical drawing, and shop laboratory. He was then transferred to Norfolk, VA for duty.
8. September 29, 1944. He arrived at Norfolk and was assigned to the Naval Landing Force Equip Depot, NORVA.
9. December 14, 1944. Recommended this date for appointment to Ensign S(E) USNR (permanent Appointment).
10. March 14, 1945. Transferred to the Hugh Manley School, Chicago, IL for a course of study.
11. March 15, 1945. Arrives at Hugh Manley School in Chicago
12. April 11, 1945. Transfer to USNH, Great Lakes for treatment.
[May 8, 1945 was VE day]
13. June 7, 1945. Transferred from hospital back to USNTC, Great Lakes. The Service Record note: "Treatment completed. Returned to duty in accordance with [a Naval Regulation]-Sickness not result of own misconduct."
14. June 13, 1945. Transferred from Chicago to Rec. Sta., Norfolk, VA "For further transfer to the USS Delta for duty. [A photo of the Delta is shown at the top of this blog entry].
[No record as to whether he came aboard--mom told me that dad ended up on a ship which sailed up the East coast and then back; but that could have been the prior time he was in Norfolk--September, 1944 to March, 1945].
[August 6, 1945. "Little Boy," a "gun" uranium bomb dropped on Hiroshima.]
[August 9, 1945. "Fat Man," an implosion plutonium bomb dropped on Nagasaki.]
[August 14, 1945 was VJ day]
15. August 22, 1945. Reported for duty at the U.S. Naval Air Station, Coco Solo, Canal Zone. Note says he was qualified to wear the American Area Service Ribbon.
[To see what dad did in Panama, see the letter dad wrote from Panama to his sister Clara quoted in a prior posting]
16. January 14, 1946. Service Record states: "Not qualified for Good Conduct Medal, insufficient time." and authorized to wear the World War II Victory Ribbon and "The above man does not desire to enlist in the regular Navy."
17. January 15, 1946. He was transferred to Receiving Station nearest port of entry in the U.S. to Personnel Separation Center, Bremerton, WA. for discharge, convenience of the government.
18. January 27, 1946. He was given an honorable discharge.